As such, it seems only gentlemanly to oblige him by answering his five questions. I have no doubt that many others have but, he was asking me too, so I figure I owe him an answer. And since his was an open letter, mine will be an open reply.
Note: I have re-typed Mr. DeYoung's original questions but not his follow up explanations. Please go read the complete questions here.
Question 1: On what basis do you still insist that marriage must be monogamous?
Pretty much on the same basis that I did before I held my big gay friendly position. The Passages Mr. DeYoung sites are fine, maybe throw in 1 Timothy 3 and Jesus teaching about agape, and His assertion that marriage joins the two into one. Why does Mr. DeYoung want to assume that I don't take those passages seriously? I would remind him that it is dangerous to read into a passage more than is actually there. A man and a woman becoming one is descriptive not limiting. If I tell you that I think you are awesome, that does not preclude the possibility that other people might think you are awesome as well. So too, if a man and a woman are joined into one flesh my marriage, that does not preclude the possibility that a woman and a woman might be joined into one flesh. I suppose that it doesn't logically preclude two men and a woman either but then, isn't that what Paul's epistles are for?
Question 2: Will you maintain the same biblical sexual ethic in the church now that you think the church should solemnize gay marriages?
Yes, why shouldn't I? Mr. DeYoung provides a lot of statistics which are just as likely to be a result of the State's and Church's failure to recognize and solemnize same-sex relationships in the form of marriage as they are to be a result of the "same-sexness" of those relationships. Even if his implied cause is accurate, truth is truth and I would certainly expect the church to keep teaching it.
Question 3: Are you prepared to say moms and dads are interchangeable?
No I'm not. Is Mr. DeYoung prepared to say that families without a mom or dad are inferior?
Question 4: What will you say about anal intercourse?
Mr. DeYoung is correct. I have nothing to say about anal intercourse. I am somewhat surprise to see that he does have something to say about it. Mr. DeYoung's church must be an interesting place to go. Is Mr. DeYoung aware that quite a few heterosexual couples practice anal intercourse or that there are other ways for gay men to have sex?
Question 5: How have all Christians at all times and in all places interpreted the Bible so wrongly for so long?
They haven't. I mean it is a tad odd for Mr. DeYoung to know what "all Christians at all times and in all places" have believed on any topic - let's change "all" to "most" shall we? In that case I imagine that the church has managed to be wrong on this topic by the same methods which led her to be wrong about slavery for 1700 years or the misogyny inherent in western patriarchy for, well, 2000+ years